Can You Make a Living Metal Detecting?(Is it Really Profitable?)

Many people are surprised to know that metal detecting is actually one of the most popular hobbies in the United States!

Statistically, there are more people who enjoy this activity than bowling or fishing, which are two of the most common hobbies in America. If you’re new to this hobby and interest, it’s important to know about some of the basic facts that pertain to the activity.

Most people wonder if you can actually make a full-time living metal detecting and this article aims to clarify exactly that.

Can you make a living metal detecting?

It used to be that gold was the most valuable metal. But in a world where dollars are more powerful than gold, it might help you out to know which metals are worth the most and which ones will become more valuable in the future.

Silver is still worth a lot of money, at $20, and copper is also on the list of top-earning metals. However, it’s difficult to pinpoint when an investment will have its moment so that you know when to sell off your metal stash!

How can I make money off of metal detecting?

Metal detecting can be an extremely rewarding way for those who aren’t afraid of getting their hands dirty for work. Especially if you’ve got a knack for hunting down those ever-elusive metal artifacts.

It’s a great way to make money while getting out in the sunshine and doing something physical. You’ll be able to squeeze in some detecting while keeping your day job at the same time!

Not only is it physically demanding, but also highly rewarding. All it takes is having some patience and a willingness to scout for relics with your metal detector or by following up on reports of metal objects found in landfills.

You can also make some cash by selling off the things that you find. It’s similar to treasure hunting, except you’re looking more for metal than precious stones. Some people even specialize in finding very rare coins!

Look for Tin and Copper Cans

One of the most common finds that battery-operated metal detectors are able to pick up is the aluminum can. Make a habit of scouring through landfills and parks where people frequent.

If you’re going on a day trip to a park or another place where there are lots of people, take your metal detector with you! Just be sure to watch out for signs that say “no digging” before getting started.

If you are a hobbyist, or if you have access to your own metal detector, consider looking for other metals. Look for cans of tin and copper (predominately) along with the aluminum cans.

Tin and copper have a much more interesting history than aluminum. They were used in landfills in the past, and sometimes still are today! Any time you see a sign that says no digging or be careful, chances are your metal detector will be able to pick up on the traces of those metals under the soil.

Look for Silver and Gold Coins

First off, if you’re not sure what coins look like, check out this site for pictures of historical coins. A lot of people don’t know what the different coins look like, so it’s important to have a clear image in your head to aid you in identification.

Next, keep an eye out for money lying around that has been discarded. At the end of every year, people get rid of their money and then don’t bother to put it back again.

Anyone who is planning on investing in gold coins should make sure that they are aware of how valuable they are! On average, 1 troy ounce of gold is worth about $300 USD. 1 troy ounce of silver is worth about $20 USD.

If you’re in a position to hold onto your coins for a while, this is one way that you can make some money off of them. Exploring metal detecting forums or message boards online can help you find out what people are looking for and which coins they value the most.

Scour the Internet for Rare Coins

Not Just Metal Detectors Some of the most useful resources and communities that those who are interested in metal detecting can belong to are online.

There are great outlets where you can learn about events in your area and even meet other treasure hunters that would love to help you out by sharing their knowledge and expertise with you.

Sites like this can offer you a wealth of information about the prices of coins and will also be able to help you out with statistics that are being compiled about coins that have been found.

There are many resources here for beginners as well as more advanced users. This site acts as a central hub so that you can quickly access all the valuable information about metal detecting and whatever else there is on the site. It also acts as a resource for people who are just starting their own metal detecting careers.

Look for Broken Engraved Objects

If you’re brave enough, you can always try yourself at finding these objects without help from your metal detector. If you know where to look and what to look for, it may be worth your time to take a phone out into the woods.

Most people use their phones as a way of keeping in contact with family and friends. But they can be great at telling you if there is an object hidden in the woods while you’re out walking around.

If you’re on a footpath or trail, keep an eye out for broken pieces of metal that are very small. Many times, these are the pieces that are left behind after someone has done some hunting in the area and broken their equipment.

Keep your eyes open and use your eyes to practice metal detecting. If you’re out hiking or going for a run in the woods, try to recognize anything that looks out of place or that could have functioned as a part of a tool or object once upon a time.

is metal detecting profitable?

Of all the questions that people ask that are related to metal detecting, this is one of the most common. The answer is a very complicated one.

It all depends on what you’re looking for and how much you’re willing to spend in order to find it. Many people who are just getting into the hobby will go out with friends or another companion who has some experience with metal detectors.

This way, they can learn as they watch another person use their detector, and then they can try themselves! Can metal detecting be profitable? Well, there’s a lot of places where it definitely can.

The potential that you’re working with is absolutely endless. There’s a ton of different types of metal detectors on the market, some more advanced than others. Because there are so many different types of detectors, it’s important to try different ones out and see which ones work best for you.

If you have some friends who are willing to help you out by showing off their metal detectors, even better! If you’re interested in this hobby, but still have questions about how to use a metal detector or how it works, then there are many resources available online that can help you out! The people over at Using Detectors could really be able to help answer many of your questions and provide you with valuable information.


Julie comes from a long line of metal detectors. Her family has been in the hobby for over 40 years and has recovered large amounts of civil war artifacts as well as a fair number of bottle caps. Lately she has been focusing on metal detecting in the Rocky Mountains.

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