Can Metal Detectors Detect Bronze?

Can Metal Detectors Detect Bronze

Yes, metal detectors can detect bronze. Bronze is considered one of the most popular metals to search for. 

Bronze relics found metal detecting can date back to 3,000 B.C. This means bronze relics can be extremely valuable.

Detecting for bronze is a bit different from detecting 10k lac gold or detecting for arrowheads. However, it is still one of the best metals a metal detector can detect.

What is the best metal detector to detect bronze?

The best metal detector to detect bronze is based on price range, detecting environment, and desired frequency.

Bronze is one of the few metals I would recommend a professional metal detector for. 

Now I know they can be pricey but hear me out.

The thing that makes detecting for bronze so attractive is the chance of finding old relics.

And we’re talking OLD. As in thousands of years old.

That means a majority of your major finds are going to be buried pretty deep. The few ancient bronze relics I’ve found have all been between 10 – 15 feet.

Although it’s possible to find bronze treasure at a shallower depth, I would highly recommend a metal detector that can reach 10 feet.

Best beginner metal detector to detect bronze

The best beginner metal detector to detect bronze is the Garrett Ace 250

The Ace 250 has been a market leader since 2005 and there’s a reason for it.

It gives you a TON of value for the price.

For an entry level metal detector, features like a depth indicator and multiple search modes that function correctly are not very common.

If you are going to go with a beginner metal detector for bronze, this is your best option.

Best mid-range metal detector to detect bronze

The best mid-range metal detector to detect bronze is the Garrett AT Pro

This is one of the best mid-range metal detectors for any metal. I would definitely recommend the Garrett AT Pro to anyone who’s looking to step up their game without breaking the bank.

The AT Pro is the successor to the Ace 250 with a few distinct advantages.

Namely, durability.

Waterproof up to 10 feet and designed as an all-terrain metal detector, this thing is BEEFY.

Believe me, my AT Pro is going on 4 years of sand, dirt, rocks, and saltwater, and somehow I still haven’t had any issues with it. 

Other features that make this a great purchase are the target identification (TID) and pro audio mode.

Best professional metal detector to detect bronze

The best professional metal detector to detect bronze is the Minelab CTX 3030.

If you’re going to step up your game and delve into metal detecting for bronze, this is my recommendation.

Maximum depth penetration, FeCo discrimination, and mult-frequency options are the reason this detector shines in my book.

If you are going to be metal detecting for ancient bronze relics these features are a MUST HAVE.

However, the highlight of this detector is the integrated GPS and PC mapping capability. This lets you record and map your exact metal detecting routes and upload them to the computer. 

It’s an amazing feature especially if you are doing multi-day trips. It lets you cover a large area at a time and map out exact hotspots to maximize efficiency.

Best place to go metal detecting for bronze

Yes, you can go metal detecting for bronze in creeks. Creeks are one of the best places to look for bronze relics.

I’ve found ancient bronze tools and relics in multiple creeks. They can be tough to navigate but are definitely worth it if you find a good spot.

Can you go metal detecting for bronze in the woods

Yes, you can go metal detecting for bronze in the woods. The woods are considered one of the best places to metal detect for bronze.

I’ve had some of my best luck at historic native american sites. Just make sure you are respecting all local laws and customs if you are going to target these locations.

How deep can metal detectors detect bronze?

Metal detectors can detect bronze between 0 – 15 feet. I highly recommend a professional metal detector that can reach maximum depths if you are targeting bronze relics.

What is the best detector frequency to detect bronze?

The best detector frequency to detect bronze is a low frequency between 3 – 7 kHz. The exact frequency to detect bronze will vary based on the type of detector you’re using, the environment, and what you’re looking for.

Multi-frequency metal detectors are generally the best option when targeting bronze.

Is metal detecting for bronze worth it?

Yes, metal detecting for bronze is worth it. Bronze relics fetch high prices making them worth the trouble.

There are even examples of hobbyists selling bronze statues or tools they’ve found to museums for record prices.

How to identify bronze when metal detecting?

The best way to identify bronze when metal detecting is to use an ohmmeter. At room temperature, bronze’s resistance is .172 x 10^-6 ohm-meters. 

A faster way to identify bronze in the field is to scratch it with a metallic object and look for a yellowish tint.

I prefer the quick and easy method in the field and then like to run more accurate tests at home. 

What can you find made of bronze when metal detecting?

Items you can find made of bronze when metal detecting are bronze statues, ancient bronze tools, and bronze jewelry.

My most memorable bronze finds are old native american tools.


Can metal detectors detect bronze wire?

Yes, metal detectors can detect bronze wire. Bronze wire is typically found within 3 feet of the surface. 

Can metal detectors detect bronze coins?

Yes, metal detectors can detect bronze coins. Bronze coins can be detected up to 10 feet below the surface depending on the type of metal detector you use.


Julie comes from a long line of metal detectors. Her family has been in the hobby for over 40 years and has recovered large amounts of civil war artifacts as well as a fair number of bottle caps. Lately she has been focusing on metal detecting in the Rocky Mountains.

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