Can Metal Detectors Detect Titanium?

Can Metal Detectors Detect Titanium?

Yes, metal detectors can detect titanium. Titanium has a very low magnetic field. This means it is difficult to trigger a metal detector with titanium. 

Various factors need to align such as object depth, the type of detector you’re using, and the frequency of your detector.

Not many people use metal detectors to search for titanium artifacts. However, I’ve come across my fair share of unusual titanium findings.

If you want to change things up, it might be a fun target to go for.

Titanium is a bit different from detecting steel or detecting brass. However, it is still one of the best metals to look for.

What is the best metal detector to detect titanium?

The best metal detector to detect titanium is based on detector frequency, electrical conductivity and ground balancing.

In light of my experience finding titanium, you should choose a metal detector with a broad frequency range. This is occasionally depicted on metal detectors by several “modes.”

Certain businesses will try to sell material-specific detectors with a very high or low frequency.

In general, I’ve discovered they aren’t worth the money, despite the fact that it seems alluring to boost your equipment game in this way.

As a devoted hobbyist, I enjoy testing out new models as soon as they are available. To find titanium though, I prefer a mid-range metal detector over any high-end professional models.

Believe me, I’m all for splashing out on a $3,000 metal detector BUT…

mid-range metal detectors are constructed with two primary goals in mind i.e user interface and versatility.

A professional titanium metal detector purchase may be worthwhile if you’re an experienced treasure hunter or enthusiast.

However, I much prefer the mid-range ease of use that just involves grabbing your gear, throwing it in the truck, and knowing you can quickly hit any type of terrain you want that day with the press of a button.

Best beginner metal detector to detect titanium

The best beginner metal detector to detect titanium is the Ace 250 from Garrett.

Since 2005, the Ace 250 has dominated the market, and for good reason .For the price, you get A TON of value.

This top-rated metal detector consists a LCD screen, multiple search modes, discrimination options, a depth indicator, and a pinpointing function.

These are some amazing features considering this is an entry-level titanium detector.

Best mid-range metal detector to detect titanium

The best mid-range metal detector to detect titanium is the AT Pro From Garrett.

This is one of the best mid-range metal detectors for any metal. I would definitely recommend the Garrett AT Pro to anyone who’s looking to step up their game without breaking the bank.

The Garrett AT Pro offers the same benefits for finding titanium as the Ace 250, but with a few nice upgrades.

Durability being the most important factor. The AT Pro is an all-terrain metal detector that is waterproof up to 10 feet.

You can’t say from the photos, but when you take it out of the box, you can tell right away that no costs were spared during production.

In my opinion, this is one of the most crucial elements for titanium-specific mid-range metal detectors.

I’ve used a few mid-range models that simply aren’t worth the price premium as they have the same level of production quality as their entry-level competitors.

This translates into a more durable product that can withstand the elements.

Believe me when I say that my AT Pro has been exposed to sand, dirt, rocks, and saltwater for close to 4 years, and yet I haven’t encountered any problems with it.

Best professional metal detector to detect titanium

The best professional metal detector to detect titanium is the CTX 3030 from Minelab.

The Minelab CTX 3030 is regarded as the line’s flagship product and there’s a reason for it.

This thing is a BEAST.

Its durability, multi-frequency detecting options, and FeCo discrimination a few of the features that make it so amazing.

The integrated GPS and PC mapping capability is the trump card.

This enables you to upload your exact metal detecting routes to the computer after recording and mapping them.

Best place to go metal detecting for titanium

The best place to go metal detecting for titanium is rockier terrain with native titanium. Arizona and Michigan have the highest native titanium concentrations. 

In the past, I’ve always had the most success finding titanium close to old, abandoned cliff mines or rock quarries. 

Can you go metal detecting for titanium at the beach?

Yes, you can go metal detecting for titanium at the beach. The Northeast, particularly Massachusetts, Maryland, and New York, has the best beaches for titanium metal detecting. 

The best titanium finds are typically lost electronics. Examples include cell phones, tablets, and laptops.

Can you go metal detecting for titanium in creeks

Yes, you can go metal detecting for titanium in creeks. Creeks are not considered the best location to detect for titanium.

Can you go metal detecting for titanium in the woods

Yes, you can go metal detecting for titanium in the woods. Near abandoned mines are the best locations to go metal detecting for titanium in the woods. 

How deep can metal detectors detect titanium?

Metal detectors can detect titanium at a maximum of 15 feet. Any entry level metal detector or above should be able to reach a minimum for 3 feet.

If you’re looking for something deeper, you will need a metal detector with an accurate depth indicator. Higher end models can detect titanium up to 15 feet.

What is the best detector frequency to detect titanium?

The best detector frequency to detect titanium is 3 – 7 kHz. The exact frequency to detect titanium will vary based on the type of detector you’re using, the environment, and what you’re looking for.

Multi-frequency metal detectors are generally the best option when targeting titanium.

Is metal detecting for titanium worth it?

Yes, metal detecting for titanium is worth it. Native titanium nuggets and titanium relics are worth the trouble because they sell for high prices.

I collect titanium artifacts as a hobby, so I keep a good amount of them. However, if you do choose to sell any Titanium artifacts, you can anticipate a healthy profit.

How to identify titanium when metal detecting?

The best way to identify titanium when metal detecting is to use an ohmmeter. At room temperature, titanium’s resistance is 4.2 x 10^-7 ohm-meters. 

What can you find made of titanium when metal detecting?

Items you can find made of titanium when metal detecting are consumer electronics such as cell phones, tablets, and ipods.

My most memorable finds with titanium were the newest models of the iphone


Can metal detectors detect titanium wire?

Yes, metal detectors can detect titanium wire. Titanium wire is typically found within 3 feet of the surface. 

Can metal detectors detect titanium coins?

Yes, metal detectors can detect titanium coins. Titanium coins can be detected up to 10 feet below the surface depending on the type of metal detector you use.


Julie comes from a long line of metal detectors. Her family has been in the hobby for over 40 years and has recovered large amounts of civil war artifacts as well as a fair number of bottle caps. Lately she has been focusing on metal detecting in the Rocky Mountains.

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